Sunday, March 29, 2009


So, I mentioned on here awhile back that I am working on saving money using coupons and tracking sales. I have gone up and down with motivation for this throughout the last number of months, but someone suggested that I use my blog as accountability. So, whenever I go shopping I am going to give my "stats" on here. You all will be able to see how much I am spending... not that you really care, but, you will also be able to see how much I am saving. I will post everything that we shop for excluding clothing. This will cover groceries, cleaning supplies, toiletries, diapers, toilet paper, etc... anything that is needed to keep my home functioning.

So, here we go...


King Soopers
original total: $157.54
saved: $74.67
paid: $82.87
% saved: 49%

Today was a pretty good day which is why I was probably motivated to start this today... I like to brag a little about it! You will see that I have good trips and not so good trips. My goal right now is to always save at least 35%.

1 comment:

Nick and Angie said...

That's awesome Janet! Where do you get all of these coupons? You will have to tell me how you do it!