Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Life is changing a lot around here. Just wanted to share a little of what is going on and ask some of you to be in prayer for us.

Jay has always known that he has a calling into full time ministry. About a year ago, we really felt the Lord was calling us to commit to him going to seminary. We started the journey last September, but quickly learned that it was extremely difficult with his work and all his traveling... he was traveling about two weeks a month. His classes were online, but when he travels he works such long hours that it was still too difficult and stopped taking classes in December.

In the early spring he went before our church board and asked for a paid position as an intern at the church. After much prayer, they felt that they were not to spend the church's money in that way at this time. We very much respected their decision, but was still in a hard position to figure out how to accomplish what God was asking of us.

In April and May both Jay and I felt the Lord speaking to us and sharing the same message with both of us... "do what I have asked you to do... even when it doesn't make sense. Don't make it be practical."

After much prayer and guidance from friends, family and pastors, we felt that Jay was released from his job and that he is to go to school full time. So, tomorrow is his last day at work. He is going to a leadership conference with our pastors and has started an internship with the church (just not paid) and will be starting school full time in a couple weeks. We very much feel that this is what the Lord has asked of us, and when we are focused on Him, we have peace, but it is easy to take our eyes off Him and then the fear of the unknown takes over. We don't know what is ahead of us. School is three years and as of right now, we have no income. I am looking for a job, but will probably not make enough to pay our bills. We don't really know what the Lord has in store for us, but trust that He has a plan and that He has not called us into this to allow us to fail.

Please pray that we will continue to hear His voice and trust in Him fully. I know when times get hard it will be easy to question our decisions, so pray that we will be reminded of His calling.
I will keep you updated as we start this journey ahead of us. Thanks for your prayers and support.


Sara Kay said...

Janet, I admire you guys for doing what you know God has called you to. Nick and I have been having conversations along the same lines and we're trying to figure out what the path looks like for our family. Blessings on your family!

Amy L Brooke said...

Thanks for your sweet comment at the Internet Cafe. I just a said a prayer for you as you continue to trust God.

Amanda said...

Janet, I've been kind of following the new things going on in your life through facebook, but I just wanted to say that I am really excited for you and Jay. Our relationship with God isn't just about the final destination but about the whole journey that He takes us on! So have fun on your new road and we will be praying for God's provision for your family as you guys obey His calling!